Labour MP Darren Jones visits Sigma’s Watford site on campaign trail

Darren Jones MP, the Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, visited Sigma Pharmaceuticals plc‘s new Watford facility on Thursday (6 June) as part of the
imminent Labour Party campaign trail.

Jones was joined by Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Watford, Matt Turmaine, and a team of campaign workers.

During their visit, the Labour delegation met with the directors and founding member of Sigma, Dr Bharat Shah CBE, and discussed the importance of investment
and support for growing businesses and the pharmaceutical sector both in the region and across the country.

Sigma Pharmaceuticals, which is believed to be Watford’s largest employer, noted that the pharmaceutical sector contributes a significant value to the East of
England, accounting for 12.3 per cent of the region’s manufacturing gross value added (GVA).